Blog Crossing Day

2006-04-30 @ 06:35 in Ankapobeny

Hello all! Today is as promised the blog-crossing day. Therefore I am writing in Hery's blog and someone else would hopefully lol write in mine. Before I start writing I just want to warn you that the following is not Hery's opinion it is mine I am just taking this opportunity to inform you and show my opinion because I am sure Hery's blog is largely visited. So have you heard the news lately?

Tonga soa... cousine :-)

2006-04-25 @ 22:07 in Ankapobeny

Gaga be aho androany fa nahazo email izay tsy nampoizina mihitsy. Email tany amin'izay cousine kelinay izay. Tena mbola kely izy tamin'izaho tany Madagasikara fa ny taona moa mandroso ary ny ankizy koa maroroka ka inoako fa efa lehibe tokoa izy izao nanoratra tamiko izao.

Module ohabolana ho an'ny Joomla

2006-04-20 @ 23:50 in Ankapobeny

Ho an'ireo mampiasa Joomla dia namoaka module vaovao aho. Module ohabolana izay maka ohabolana iray isanandro ao amin'ny webservice Azonao ampiasaina ny sivana ahafahana mifidy ny ohabolana tianao hiseho (Ohatra: ohabolana misy hoe Andriamanitra ihany sns.)

Beta release io amin'izao fotoana izao satria tsy maintsy mbola hohatsaraina kanefa efa mandeha tsara mihitsy.

Azonao alaina eto ambany ny module ohabolana

Rohy mety mahaliana 

Raha toa ka mampiasa io module io ianao dia andefaso email aho ([email protected])

My first Joomla extension

2006-04-18 @ 04:51 in Ankapobeny

I have just submitted my very first public Joomla extension which was requested by Renzki and also something that I would need for other projects. It is MysqlAuth and information about it can be found at the Joomla extension repository

This extension has a component and a module which allow joomla to share, and synchronize, users with another site. The idea is from the drupal mysqlauth. So if you have already with another site (mysql based) then you can install joomla in another place and have the users of that other site listed as joomla users.

What I mean by synchronization is that if your users change their password, from your official site, they will still be recognized in your Joomla site.

What is required is that you should not allow registration with joomla. All password reminder links also should be redirected to where your users are stored, not with joomla. 

Here is the extension 

Paka an-tsary

2006-04-17 @ 22:30 in Ankapobeny

Rehefa avy nihaino ny "Arahaba tratry ny Paka" notenenin'i Papa Benoa 16 izahay dia nandeha kely nivoaka ny tanàna toa ny mahazatra. Fa tsy lavitra loatra tamin'ity satria natahotra sao dia alavitra ny fitsangatsanganana ny ampitson'io. Lavitra be ny Papa fa izany hoe hita tamin'ny écran géant ihany

IMGP5156 IMGP5157

Albano, Rocca di Papa... tsy ratsy io toerana io. Blaogiko ity dia ny sariko ihany no asehoko (Hihihi hanta)

IMGP5167 IMGP5166

Ny alatsinain'ny Paka? Niaraka tamin'ny gasy. Tena reraka tanteraka. Iny angamba no fotoana nanaovako salegy lava indrindra... dia salegy mipetraka koa Samy nanovokovoka daholo fa rehefa tonga tany an-trano vao nitaraina hoe narary ny fe. Sitra-po manahirana e. Efa somary vizana ihany aho tamin'ito sary eto ambany ito ka tsy nisitrika intsony ny akanjo... Rehefa tonga taty an-trano anefa dia tsy maintsy mbola namita an'ilay com_lisitra (Component vaovao nataoko ho an'ny Joomla grrr.)


Momba ahy

Ho hitanao ato ny isandroko. Angoniko ato mba hovakiako indray any aoriana any :-)

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