I do "tweet" whatever I want to

2009-10-19 @ 10:22 in Izaho sy ny ahy

Last Saturday, I had some talk about new technologies with some sisters with whom I'm working. Then we talked about Facebook and Twitter. Then came out the usual reserve about privacy etc... up to "Why should you write on Facebook or Twitter about what you just had for lunch". That reminds me of some posts about "Things not to tweet about" or "10 things you should stop tweeting about" that jogany (The Purple) put anyway in her status. 

So what I say is resumed in the title of this post "I do tweet whatever I want to" :-) if it follows Twitter's TOS

My twitter is my own space offered by Twitter.com (to not to say my private space). So I write about whatever I want... what I have for breakfast, how's going my social network, when I had *** the last time, to whom I wrote to, about my dog (if I had one) etc... and my followers follow only what I have to say if they want to. Take it as a painting or a board where I take my notes but I make available for all to read. That's how I use twitter... exactly like how I use my blog :-)

are you still reading? :-p 

Momba ahy

Ho hitanao ato ny isandroko. Angoniko ato mba hovakiako indray any aoriana any :-)

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